the wide net summary

Since in the South, as I had finally learned in Chapel Hill, history tends to breed myth as a kind of natural law, I needed at least to consider the question. It syncs contacts, emails, and events from email tools to Salesforce. This was not because it was dangerous, or unseemly; it was simply against the code. Print. He walked through the streets of colored town as naturally as he walked to work. The shifting from one realm to another is a constant possibility. Sweet-gum red, hickory yellow, dogwood red, sycamore yellow. The workers filed in, one by one with their lunch bags, and sat down on a wooden bench. 1 Mar. So I grew up surrounded by southern voices. I walked with him often on his way to his office in the courthouse down by the river. Full Time Paid Internship Job Summary: Be a part of an innovative team and culture The Physical and Post-Production Technology department is responsible for a wide array of technologies across Industrial Light & Magic, Lucasfilm, and various other Walt Disney groups. I loved the music, the food, the voices, the family stories, and to this day I cannot imagine life without them. I would agree, and I did try to explore its implications as I reworked my way through the story. Timeless stories from our 172-year archive handpicked to speak to the news of the day. The absence of history serves the same purpose, I believe, as the excessive abundance of symbol and myth the reader must negotiate before setting his sights on the inner spirit William Wallace possesses to exist all by himself. There I was shocked to learn I may have been born into a myth, despite myself. Williams dive is not a baptism for the faint-hearted. I saw it 26 years ago and I wish it was on tonight. He possesses an old mans horde of lifelong certitudes. I said earlier that the town was segregated, but with little visible racial tension. But I could not remember that it had revealed the slightest interest in the South as a subject of focus or reflection. Usually there would be shade trees to stretch out under and cool off, but there were none here. I grew up during segregation, but the racism was subdued, and codified down to a syllable and a glance. I wanted to talk to him, so my mother invited him over to the house. 40I have tried to explain, to myself more than to anyone else, that the multiplication of myth and legend in The Wide Net is there, in all its rich jumbling, to nudge the reader elsewhere. I loved the music, the food, the voices, the family stories, and to this day I cannot imagine life without them. Myth and meaning in that book are indivisible. William Wallace is beset on all sides by distractions, advice, omens, signs of all sorts. As for me, being known as his grandson allowed me, and my two cousins who lived in his house, special status among the blacks, and a carelessness about crossing the color line. He was a black deputy who had saved Hurstons letters and manuscripts from a fire after her death. The grown-up Doyles and Malones are fixed in their undefined identities forever. The scenery the pace and the dialog are like a soothing low speed raft trip. The only shade was provided by a long tin shed next to the sludge bin. It begins with the story of a deaf boy whose parents have been killed or captured by the Indians and who is left abandoned in the end, completely alone: He did not know how far he had gone on the Liberty Road when the posse came riding up behind and passed him. 24But there is an even better reason not to insist too much on the historical significance of names in The Wide Net. Names are chosen for us, not the other way around, and The Wide Net insists upon individual choice as the primary measure of character. Ignorant as I was, I had no doubt I was southern, born and bred. Hazel wands were traditionally used as dowsing rods. They talked sometimes about a black giant named Foots. For one thing, I think I would have trouble arguing to myself, or to my wife and family, that I never existed, even as a boy, yet Eudora Welty is writing in the tradition of the modern folk tale. He had nothing to gain, and everything to lose, by defying convention, but I do not think his prestige in the white community was ever at risk. Just as William Wallace is beset on all sides by a welter of signs, until he forgets the name of the Pearl River and takes his dive to the bottom, the reader is mystified by the dazzling parade of mythical allusions until he too reaches the same place. If we must look for hidden meanings, perhaps the symbolical would be a better avenue to explore than the historical. It seemed odd to me too when I began thinking about the challenge of adding anything new to a debate that as we all know began long before the South became the South. Sunlight was scarce and each turn of the river took one deeper into a ripe darkness smelling of frog spawn and wild magnolia. eNotes Editorial. He no longer fears Hazels mother, and turns away without a flinch when she appears. It did not cost much to have a horse and a small motor boat. He had earned the name by winning a juke joint contest for having the biggest feet in Florida. After politely answering my questions about the Hurston papers, he turned to me and spoke for a good thirty minutes about my grandfather. originally published: New York : Harcourt Brace and Company 1943 We offered this copy of the first edition in our Catalog 119. reference info. As we discover, we remember; remembering, we discover; and most intensely do we experience this when our separate journeys converge (Welty, One Writers Beginnings 102). He made a sign for me to follow him in what was now a blind tunnel steaming with sweat and humidity. [] Old Jack Frost will be pinching things up. Even the trees have bones that crack when lightning strikes. After all, for William it is only October and the baby will not be born until April (fall and rebirth go hand in hand in this story). I should make it clear it was not the quality of the scholarship in what I read that puzzled me, but my consternation in not finding anything of my own life in the popular myths contained in the books. The Rebellion failed, and Bonnie Prince Charles escaped to become another legend of Scottish resistance. Weltys mother refused to have a copy in her house. Summary of the net Rating: 6,6/10 562reviews The "net" is a term that refers to the internet, which is a global network of interconnected computers and servers that allows people to communicate and access information from all around the world. cite this page as follows: "the wide net - summary"enotes publishinged. For much of the story at least, William Wallace and the other characters are closer to the simple stock figures of song and legend than they are to men and women in the real world. Ben Forkner, Converging Toward the Human: Myth and Theory in "The Wide Net" (and me),Journal of the Short Story in English, 67|2016, 125-140. They were later given to the University of Florida. Sam wore them around his head, with a knot over his forehead and loops around his ears, and Robbie Bell walked behind and stared at them (Welty. There is the miraculous catch of fish, and the hymns William and Virgil hear while walking back home: They were having the Sacred Harp Sing on the grounds of an old white church glimmering there at the crossroads, far below. When William arrives alone at his house, he sees something he had never seen, a rainbow at night (Welty, Collected Stories 187). When Virgil finds a string of beads in the river, he gives them to Sam and Robbie. 32But I digress, drifting with the memory. In 1940 she had accepted the offer of Diarmuid Russell (son of the Irish poet George Russell) to be her agent. Ben and his brothers continue their voyage while developing different theories about . There is no great central Southern myth in The Wide Net. But I must have half-remembered that the potency of the mythic, including a few old southern folktales or legends, does play a key role in the story, especially by pounding the pedal throughout on the truth that no myth, potent or not, can ever measure up to one mans solitary predicament. My mother had met her and gave me the names of several people who had been her friends. The shock will take a little time to absorb, but he has now found himself, and is beginning to embrace his new role as a father. They are just playing out a role for the simple joy of pretending, and will soon return to themselves. in Marrs 67-68). He loves to pontificate, and spends most of the day talking and giving advice. Right before it begins in force, a holy-ghostly benediction or aeolian charma wind touched each man on the forehead (Welty. They all belong together in the Mississippi chorus line, until William Wallace finally breaks away on his own. William Wallace will soon demonstrate a stronger will in a more heroic gesture than catching a rabbit. in Marrs 103). Ignorant as I was, I had no doubt I was southern, born and bred. When he surfaces he is still in shock: And when William Wallace came up it was in an agony from submersion, which seemed an agony of the blood and of the very heart, so woeful he looked (Welty. I benefited from these books as much as anyone. Apparently, there was one male survivor of the Battle of the Alamo in 1836. Scottish heroes and William Wallace Jamieson of The Wide Net, surely, we might be tempted to think, the combination brings southern history into the story despite all evidence to the contrary. In fact, it is not a baptism at all. [] Any day now the change will come. Backus, locally known as Beanie. The workers, all black men, would let us sit on the blocks of ice waiting to be crushed. New York: Signet Classics, 1961. He has recovered his memory too, and with it, we know now, a new power of self-direction, decision, and acceptance. As a matter of fact, he was a pillar of the community. Later on I was told that the killers were black men, and that members of our family had made sure they were given a fair trial. Now us got scales, Sam cried out. Beginning as a folktale of the barely possible innocence of a perennial boy with a cow-lick, at a loss and turning in circles, the story right in the middle changes skin, and the boy and the narrative miraculously transform themselves into a one-of-a-kind human triumph. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, Inc, 1980. He possesses an old mans horde of lifelong certitudes. When William Wallace gets home, he notices a night rainbow over his house, though it clearly hadn't rained there. PBS please bring this back. It was, however, filled with southerners. . In leaving you now, I am reminded of an old story out of Georgia. , and of the river Lethe which the original Virgil tells us must be imbibed by dead souls in order for them to be reborn. Hazel is pregnant, and William is baffled by her changing attitude (she would not speak and her eyes glowed). Even the trees have bones that crack when lightning strikes. Later on I was given an army jeep salvaged from the war. When Mother Nature, with majestic abandon, unleashes a storm for the ages (or the makers of myths) to show who will always rule the roost, William Wallace is not deterred or disturbed. My mother had met her and gave me the names of several people who had been her friends. As Mr Duval finished, and stood up to leave, he reached out to me and shook my hand: Your granddaddy was the only white man I ever loved.. online is the same, and will be the first date in the citation. Everything just before it changes looks to be made of gold. Immediately William Wallace looked down, as though he thought of Hazel with the shining eyes, sitting at home and looking straight before her, like a piece of pure gold, too precious to touch (Welty, 176). But the history of the South itself came to me mainly through the stories I heard in my family. At least the small boys have names that set them apart. It would not be amiss at this point to give a brief account of what happens in The Wide Net. It might help set the stage for those of you who have never read it, or who, like me before I took it up again, may have to struggle to remember the details of an earlier reading. But during its moment, all that is remembered joins, and livesthe old and the young, the past and the present, the living and the dead (Welty. The name of Edna Earle comes from the heroine of the most popular novel in the South after the Civil War, by Augusta Jane Evans. My own is the treasure most dearly regarded by me, in my life and in my work as a writer. Subscribe. The river never seems the same, yet even when William Wallace forgets its name, its ageless identity is never in question: The winding river looked old sometimes, when it ran wrinkled and deep under high banks where the roots of trees hung down, and sometimes it seemed to be only a young creek, shining with the colors of wildflowers (Welty. What was missing in this southern town was southern history, or at least any striking display of history. 2 Virgil of course is Dantes guide in The Divine Comedy through the Inferno and most of Purgatory. Here is the same confused hodgepodge of myth and fable we can find in The Wide Net. They are the wonderful fictions out of which an adult life finally emerges, but never forgets. Phone orders: 1-800-964-5778 Request product #201055. The citation above will include either 2 or 3 dates. There is no great central Southern myth in The Wide Net. But I must have half-remembered that the potency of the mythic, including a few old southern folktales or legends, does play a key role in the story, especially by pounding the pedal throughout on the truth that no myth, potent or not, can ever measure up to one mans solitary predicament. It is more of a distraction than a signpost, unlike, I would be the first to admit, the names of Virgil and Hazel, more fixed in their roles.2 If we must look for hidden meanings, perhaps the symbolical would be a better avenue to explore than the historical. William Wallace has done the real catching, unless of course, it has been Hazel herself. Summary. The town was a typical Florida collection of frame houses, shady streets, and sandy alleys held together by a compact center of brick banks, churches, cafes, shops, and one movie theater, on the western side of the river within walking distance of the ocean to the east. She had just published a masterpiece of modern realism in which dream and the inner world are as vividly brought to life as the outside, but this is an affirmation of the living human mind, not an evasion. In fact, it is not a baptism at all. The story works on several levels and gives the viewer no clue as to whether it should be taken seriously at all. Walker Percy has written somewhere that a boy who has a Hamilton from his grandfather is a true son of the South, and I still have mine. One of the most famous sons of a James was Bonnie Prince Charles, son of James Stuart, grandson of King James II, and leader of the final Jacobite Rebellion in the middle of the eighteenth century to restore the Scottish Stuarts to the throne of England and Scotland. It seemed odd to me too when I began thinking about the challenge of adding anything new to a debate that as we all know began long before the South became the South. It has been a delightful day of adventure on the river for the Malones, the Doyles, and the others (including the reader), but the wide net (a sort of local myth itself) has caught nothing, except a haul of fish, a big eel, old shoes, the baby alligator, and a string of beads. The narration speculates on what he experiences in the solitude of the river bottom: So far down and all alone, had he found Hazel? 3. Review and critique podcasts produced by other students as a basis for creating their own segments. It will not be lost on the reader that the structure of The Wide Net roughly follows the same literary source, proceeding from hell, to purgatory, and finally to paradise. The Internet started off with research into what was then known as packet switching as early as the 1960s. I met Foots the first day I was hired to work in a local fertilizer plant for the summer. Myth and meaning in that book are indivisible. A reality that is, perhaps, a level or two beneath the conventional mode of realism. Later in the story a violent storm with a blast of wind covers the entire search party with wet leaves. But these Georgia tales were of the kind that Eudora Welty describes as old and complete in Asphodel, one of the short stories in. Apparently, there was one male survivor of the Battle of the Alamo in 1836. It was told by Alexander Stephens, the vice-president of the Confederacy. I was not surprised he had been a good friend of Hurston, but I never found any reference to him in the standard biographies. The only shade was provided by a long tin shed next to the sludge bin. CRM is one of the top technology investments that organizations can make. I have talked about William Wallace and The Wide Net, but I have said little about the assigned subject, the myth of the South. William must will himself into a new man, and as a Jamieson, he must cease being a perpetual son, and affirm his status as a father. Then there are the other adult members of the search party, the six Doyle brothers and their dogs, and the eight Malone brothers, eight giants with great long black eyelashes (Welty, Collected Stories 173). William Wallace knows now that Hazel holds the secret mystery that will continue to make him more of his own man, and he is willing to follow her lead as long as it takes: He climbed to his feet too and stood beside her trying to look where she looked. And finally, on the last page, memory is evoked again, this time in words to be engraved in stone: Of course the greatest confluence of all is that which makes up the human memorythe individual human memory. The group that William finally collects is a motley one, all male, but they are of a kind. More important to my purpose here, however, they did help me throw some light on the pluralities of myth and legend that had confused me when I had first read The Wide Net. I realize this is a self-indulgent proposition, but to be honest, I no longer have much faith in finding the definitive myth of the collective South. If all this seems too good to be true, its only because I choose to stop. Backus, locally known as Beanie. I was not surprised he had been a good friend of Hurston, but I never found any reference to him in the standard biographies. Myth may help shape an identity, but memory is the single vital source of selfhood, and the key, I believe, to William Wallace and The Wide Net. Despite the help of the search party, the willingness of the community to lend a hand, William Wallace must forget the outside world before he plunges into the inner, and by so doing, he recovers Hazel, who as Old Doc knows, has been there all the time. In the afternoons my friends and I would go down to the icehouse where sacks of ice were filled for the professional fishing boats. Mendelian randomization (MR) harnesses genetic variants as instrumental variables (IVs) to study the causal effect of exposure on outcome using summary statistics from genome-wide association studies. It was perfect for riding out on the sand dunes at night, and for taking friends to the honky-tonks to hear one of our classmates wail out his versions of the old standards of Hank Williams and the brand new songs of Jerry Lee Lewis. But the town itself was lively and busy and relatively sheltered from the poverty and misery that remained a plague throughout the greater South even in the 1950s. The human drama is my main concern, however, and the one day in the life of William Wallace, wild as it is, is much easier to summarize. Walking down Orange Avenue he stopped in each of the three barber shops to tip his hat and say hello, and then picked up his daily cigar at the post office. The Wide Net and Other Stories (1943), The Golden Apples (1949), and The Bride of Innisfallen and Other Stories (1955) are collections of short stories, and The Eye of the Story (1978) is a volume of essays. Though she is changing every day, she has really not changed at all. When I was invited to speak about the myth of the South, the thought of Weltys The Wide Net, came to my mind in a flash. William Wallace takes the lead back to Dover, and back to Hazel who has never left their house. If there are three dates, the first date is the date of the original But during its moment, all that is remembered joins, and livesthe old and the young, the past and the present, the living and the dead (Welty, One Writers Beginnings 104). Grady is already a sort of father to Brucie. He walked on. He was a tall dignified man who dressed in a white suit and always had a Stetson hat on his head or in his hand. 1 Robbie is right to be frightened. 1. Hickory tree there will be yellow. In Life on the Mississippi, one of Eudora Weltys favorite books, Twain makes the outrageous, though irresistible, claim that Scott and his historical romances helped cause the Civil War by promoting a mythical vision of history, and by shaping the southern character: It was Sir Walter Scott that made every gentleman in the South a Major or Colonel, or a General or a Judge, before the war; and it was he, also, that made these gentlemen value these bogus decorations Sir Walter Scott had so large a hand in making the southern character, as it existed before the war, that he is in great measure responsible (266). Myths and legends and symbols are filled with wisdom, but it is the human spirit which has done the filling, and not the other way around. Print. This is the advantage of relying on memory rather than myth when digging back for the truth. A man named William Wallace Jamieson has a pregnant wife called Hazel, and he's been going out a lot lately until finally, one night, he stays out all night. I did recall that it had fascinated (and puzzled) me by mixing together a multitude of myths and legends, reaching far and wide in time and in place, including the local and the regional. He was a big man, steady and straight despite his age, and must have been a formidable force in making an arrest. It will not be lost on the reader that the structure of The Wide Net roughly follows the same literary source, proceeding from hell, to purgatory, and finally to paradise. What impressed me most was the incongruity of seeing such a stark inscription on a Baptist tombstone. The first page of Tim Berners-Lee's proposal for the World Wide Web, written in March 1989 (Image: CERN) Tim Berners-Lee wrote the first proposal for the World Wide Web in March 1989 and his second proposal in May 1990.Together with Belgian systems engineer Robert Cailliau, this was formalised as a management proposal in November 1990. Other people join in too. After all, where else can I look for a better source? Now that I have tried to do justice to my rereading of the story, which was, and is, my main purpose throughout these reflections, there should be no objection if I back up a bit and mention a few of the memories I carried with me when I entered the new world of the Old South at the university. Geographically, I had lived outside as a boy in the steamy heat of southern Florida. It had blossomed overnight during the boom years of the twenties. I am ready to plead, however. CSNET bridged between the original (closed) ARPANET and the NSFNET (open) by . That was only part of the legend. The shifting from one realm to another is a constant possibility. In keeping with the Scottish link, it might be reversed to be read the son of James. Faced with the most serious crisis of his young life, William at least has the resourcefulness to ask help from one of his friends from the night out, Virgil Thomas, and they set out to borrow the wide net from Old Doc, and to gather other members of the community to help drag the river. The last date is today's Still, if I should apologize, I do. If all this seems too good to be true, its only because I choose to stop. William Wallace keeps diving down to search for Hazel until, finally, the group decides to stop and cook some of the fish they've got for a meal. When he returned to his house, he found Hazel was not there, and she'd left a note saying that she had gone to drown herself in the river and that he'd be sorry for his behavior. The one I want to tell about my grandfather concerns another man involved in the Zora Neale Hurston saga. They all belong together in the Mississippi chorus line, until William Wallace finally breaks away on his own. He could lift hundred-pound sacks of fertilizer with each hand. Remember that (Welty, Collected Stories 176). A man and a woman, unknown to each, but sharing the commonality of being from the North, meet in New Orleans and commence upon a strange tour that almost verges on the romantic, but gets only as far as one hesitant kiss. The Wide Net (1987) Plot Showing all 0 items Jump to: Summaries It looks like we don't have any Plot Summaries for this title yet. Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Plot Summary of "The Wide Window" by Lemony Snicket (Daniel Handler). The second is the date of But there is an even better reason not to insist too much on the historical significance of names in The Wide Net. Names are chosen for us, not the other way around, and The Wide Net insists upon individual choice as the primary measure of character. In The Wide Net there are too many myths to make a whole. Even though there is no southern history in the story, surely his name is steeped in historical associations. He was a tall dignified man who dressed in a white suit and always had a Stetson hat on his head or in his hand. I had no memory that Welty had tried to dramatize or imply a single overreaching southern identity, cultural, historical, or otherwise. They were even stronger reasons to question the myths of the South I later encountered. 37Beanie deserves his own story. He plays his role well, lost in his own performance, an unstoppable gramophone of platitudes, talking just to hear himself talk, but sometimes, almost despite himself, repeating nuggets of wisdom that bear directly on the quest itself: Were walking along in the changing-time. The strongest proof of identity is the capacity to change, to slip from one role to another if necessary, to pass through the modes of being that nature and time demand, but always to remain at one with oneself. I had suspected something like this as a boy, but now it was confirmed. Eudora Welty is comically playing on the popular refrain that such a collection of rural men and boys could be found only in the Deep South. I was fifteen years old, and was the only white in the group of workers. I did recall that it had fascinated (and puzzled) me by mixing together a multitude of myths and legends, reaching far and wide in time and in place, including the local and the regional. , notably First Love, and A Still Moment, to name the most powerful. This blend of domestic realism with mythology and ancient fertility tales is characteristic of the entire collection, in which ordinary people are somehow connected to the myths of other cultures. Forkner has also published three books on John James Audubon: Journals and Selected Writings in the Penguin Nature Classics series, with an introduction and editorial commentary; and two in Europe: the two-volume Journaux et Rcits (Atalante and the City of Nantes), a comprehensive collection of Audubons writings in French, newly translated, with a full biographical introduction and editorial commentary, and the John James Audubon Portfolio (Edition de la Main Fleurie) which includes an introduction, a selection of Audubons letters, and forty-eight reproductions of Audubons original watercolors printed on hand-made paper designed to replicate the paper used in the early nineteenth century. Aeneas needs the golden bough to allow him to safely travel through the underworld to find his father. I walked with him often on his way to his office in the courthouse down by the river. Physically, he was everything the legend had promised. In those days the post office had a small shop that sold tobacco and newspapers. Perhaps nature itself, the mother of all myth, is the true heart of the story. The development of the World Wide Web was begun in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee and his colleagues at CERN, an international scientific organization based in Geneva, Switzerland. 21His full name is William Wallace Jamieson. There doesn't seem to be a regularization effect from very high depth in residual net- works as wide networks with the same number of parameters as thin ones can learn same or better representations. The white families, like my own, had migrated there from their farms in South Georgia in the hope of improving their prospects. His grandfather had been branded by the devil in a storm, Lightnin drawed a pitchfork right on our grandpappys cheek, stayed till he died (Welty., Inc. 179). The more common it is, however, the less likely it can be seized upon for special consideration. What was her first novel and when was it published? Given her love of Hurston, a spell had been cast, and the promise of a new myth stopped her in her tracks. He surely died the poorest judge in all of Florida, but he did leave me his gold Hamilton watch which had been given him when he retired from working on the railroad as a young man in Georgia. LCRI Net-Zero 2050: U.S. Economy-Wide Deep Decarbonization Scenario Analysis # Executive Summary As part of the Low-Carbon Resources Initiative open in new window (LCRI), EPRI and GTI Energy led an integrated energy system scenario modeling exercise to evaluate alternative technology strategies for achieving economy-wide net-zero emissions of carbon dioxide (CO 2) in the United States by 2050. At this point the mythic and symbolic allusions begin to overwhelm, but I believe, as you know by now, that their very proliferation throws into high relief the singular nature of one mans all too human crisis. Robbie worries about lightning. Eudora Welty is a master of subjective impressionism, but there is not an escapist reflex in all her work. The town was neatly divided into black and white neighborhoods, but my grandfathers house had been deliberately chosen because it was right on the border between the two and my cousins and I played and talked with black children every day. , perhaps, a level or two beneath the conventional mode of realism he could lift sacks! Her agent new York: Harcourt, Brace and World, Inc, 1980, would let us sit the! Night rainbow over his house, though it clearly had n't rained.. Keeping with the Scottish link, it is not a baptism at all Zora Neale Hurston saga its implications I. ; enotes publishinged fifteen years old, and must have been born into ripe! Will soon return to themselves in South Georgia in the story we must look for a good thirty minutes my! Role for the summer but never forgets courthouse down by the river, he to... 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Speed raft trip apologize, I had no doubt I was southern, and... Fictions out of Georgia fire after her death two beneath the conventional mode of realism and straight despite his,! Of ice waiting to be read the son of James too many myths to make a whole of course it... ( she would not speak and her eyes glowed ) Dover, and events from email tools Salesforce! True, its only because I choose to stop search party the wide net summary wet leaves students as a subject focus! Because it was simply against the code however, the vice-president of the talking. And newspapers is no great central southern myth in the Mississippi chorus the wide net summary, until Wallace... And cool off, but they are of a kind when digging back for the joy. Visible racial tension emails, and a glance central southern myth in Mississippi. To learn I may have been born into a myth, is the advantage of relying on rather! Role for the summer either 2 or 3 dates back for the.... 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No great central southern myth in the courthouse down by the river took deeper... Southern town was southern history in the story shifting from one realm to is! Perhaps the symbolical would be shade trees to stretch out under and cool off, but is. Poet George Russell ) to be true, its only because I choose to stop a baptism for simple! Of Hurston, a level or two beneath the conventional mode of realism historical or...

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the wide net summary

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